You're now in month 3 of your pregnancy, and your baby has officially graduated from an embryo to a fetus. You may merely be starting to show at 10 weeks pregnant (though if there are no signs of a bump nevertheless, that'due south normal too), and you might also observe visible veins and increased vaginal discharge.

Your Babe at Week 10

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Your baby's growing by leaps and bounds and is already an inch and a half long and a quarter ounce in weight. That'south near the size of a clip — but happily your sweet sugarplum is much cuter than your boilerplate clip… and not most as wrinkled. Baby's head takes upwards about half his length, and your cutie's facial features are quite recognizable now.

His eyes are hidden backside sealed lids and won't function until later in the second trimester. But a kissable push olfactory organ is visible and the external parts of those ambrosial ears have started to abound low down on the fetal head. Twenty tiny infant-teeth buds are in place beneath his gums, though you won't see whatsoever precious pearlies until your sweetie is well-nigh half-dozen months old.

Baby'south breadbasket and kidneys are operational now, churning out digestive juices and urine. That beating heart is at present a fully functional 4-chambered 1: two ventricles pump blood to the lungs and body while the 2 atria receive blood from babe'due south apportionment. Your baby is also getting stronger, busy building bones and cartilage and already sporting a pair of elbows that actually bend. Also under construction: knees, wrists, and ankles and then he tin poke and prod his mama in the months to come.

If your infant's a daughter, her tiny ovaries are beginning to form even tinier eggs. Got a boy in your belly? Believe information technology or not, his newly developing testes are already starting to make testosterone. What a guy!

At a Glance

Infant's first teeth

While baby-to-be's pearly whites won't appear until she's almost 6 months one-time, teeny molar buds are at present developing under the gums.

Tummy time

This week, the breadbasket is producing digestive juices and the kidneys are making larger quantities of urine.

Building basic

Bones and cartilage are forming this week, knees and ankles are starting to take shape and tiny elbows are already working!

ten weeks pregnant is how many months?

If you're 10 weeks meaning, you're in month iii of your pregnancy. Only vi months left to go! Still take questions? Hither's some more information on how weeks, months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy.

How big is my baby at 10 weeks?

Your baby's growth is fast and furious when yous are 10 weeks pregnant. She'due south nearly one½  incheslong and the size of a prune, but not almost as shriveled — even with all the fourth dimension spent in h2o.

The start of the fetal period

Congratulations! Your baby has officially graduated this calendar week from embryo to fetus.

Baby's basic form

Your infant is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming and pocket-sized indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms, consummate with elbows, can flex already — how's that for magical?

Still, don't run to the shop for a baseball bat just yet. Though your infant'south arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is still teeny-tiny.

Baby's first teeth

The tooth bud fairy is making an appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your infant'southward footling choppers, which are forming under the gums. But those pearly whites won't intermission through the gums until your baby is close to 6 months old.

Other systems are a become, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine and, if it'due south a male child, your piddling 1 is already producing testosterone.

Your Torso at Week ten

10 weeks pregnant woman

Symptoms may persist

Y'all may still be noticing some of those fun pregnancy symptoms sticking around. All clogged upwardly? For many moms-to-be, those pesky pregnancy hormones crusade the polish muscles of the large bowel to fall down on the job — they get sluggish and you lot go constipated.

Fiber in the form of whole grains, fruits and veggies can help, equally tin can drinking lots of h2o and exercising regularly.

Still coping with nausea and vomiting? Your doctor may suggest one or more of these forenoon sickness remedies.

How Big Are 10-Calendar week Bumps?

Your 10 weeks pregnant belly

If you haven't already looked in the mirror lately and examined your newly pregnant trunk and your x weeks pregnant belly, take a deep jiff, take off your wearing apparel and get for it.

Commencement thing you're likely to find at ten weeks pregnant is a slightly rounder lower abdomen.

In other words, at ten weeks pregnant, you may be just starting to show. That'southward because your e'er-growing uterus is now somewhat larger than a grapefruit. Merely don't worry if you lot can't quite see your bump at ten weeks yet — yous will shortly enough.

Remember that pretty much annihilation is normal when it comes to your baby bump. Some women bear witness earlier and others bear witness after depending on their height, weight and build. If it'south your first pregnancy, yous may bear witness a bit later on than if it's your second (or 3rd!) pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if y'all're concerned, simply don't worry. Pretty much anything goes!

Visible veins

Second thing you lot might notice are all those blue lines that have all of a sudden appeared on your skin, crisscrossing your breasts and abdomen.

These visible veins can appear on both light and dark complexions. What yous're seeing is the expanded network of veins that's carrying the increased blood supply needed to nourish your growing fetus.

As your pregnancy progresses, you'll also notice that the veins in your hands and feet seem larger and more prominent, too. During pregnancy, the average woman's blood volume increases by a niggling under 50 percent and the veins have to proceed up so they can go with the flow.

So consider those blue lines on your trunk to exist a pregnancy bluecoat of accolade: Wear them with pride and with the comforting knowledge that they'll disappear for good once your baby's born and you're no longer breastfeeding (if you do).

Curing constipation

Constipation is an all-too-common first trimester pregnancy symptom. What can you do about it? Showtime, steer clear of foods that'll clog up the works like refined white breads, rice and pasta. 2d, fixate on fiber: Cull whole grains, like cobweb-rich cereals, and fresh fruit, like kiwis — a fine, furry friend to those who are constipated.

Stale fruit, likewise, is a not bad selection. Beyond that geriatric favorite, prunes, effort all your favorite fruits stale — apricots, peaches, pears, apples, blueberries, cherries…yous proper noun it! Or, choose raw or lightly cooked vegetables and nuts and seeds.

Third, wash that fiber down — and through your system — with plenty of fluids, particularly h2o and juice. If you shut your optics, V8 tastes just like champagne! Well, sort of.

And finally, remember that getting moving can keep things moving — another good reason to put exercise on the calendar. If the situation doesn't improve in a couple of days, eat your pride and call your practitioner, who may accept a few special tricks upwardly that white-coated sleeve. Don't utilise whatsoever over-the-counter remedies without consulting your doctor offset.

Pregnancy Symptoms Week ten


You probably withal feel equally if your become-upward-and-go has gotten upward and gone, but don't worry — in almost a month you'll be feeling less tired. In the meantime, don't exist super momhoped-for. Enquire for assist, go some rest and work in some exercise when you lot tin. Yes, it seems counterintuitive to go out for a walk when you want to crawl into bed, but you'll feel peppier afterward — and you lot'll sleep better, also. Read More

Nausea and vomiting

What's the worst thing you can do if you lot're feeling queasy? Skip a meal. Missing a meal only makes those queasy feelings more than intense. But if eating anything is really turning your tum, try acupressure bands. And sucking on ginger candy — or drinking real ginger ale — will assistance, too. Read More

Nutrient cravings and aversions

Between those queasy feelings and nutrient aversions, you've probably kept your weight gain downwards. And that'south okay — your babe's nutritional needs are miniscule at this signal. Just even so, you don't want to go crazy on cravings. It's okay to indulge one time in a while or eat a bite-sized slice of chocolate instead of a brownie, only if your cravings are getting out of hand, effort some distractions: Call a friend, read a volume, head to the gym or go for a walk. Read More

Heartburn and indigestion

A good way to prevent heartburn? Don't eat while you lot're lying downward — or don't lie down right subsequently eating a big meal, even though the bed beckons you! And utilise pillows to prop up your head well-nigh 6 inches when you sleep. That should continue those gastric juices down. Read More

Bloating and gas

As your hormones go along to relax all your muscles, the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract are relaxing, too. That means more than indigestion and more intestinal gas. Your best bet is to stay away from foods that produce the well-nigh gas. You may detect it helpful to proceed a record of what you swallow to encounter whether in that location's a connexion betwixt certain foods, whether it's fried foods or broccoli or beans, and gas. And so y'all can avert those triggers — or at least warn your partner! Read More

Increased vaginal belch

Yous've got more claret flowing to the pelvic surface area (good for your sex life) thanks to the pregnancy hormone estrogen, equally well as more mucous. The upshot is a sparse, milky-white discharge that yous may be seeing now. Information technology's harmless, and so don't bother with special wipes or washes — these could change the fragile residuum of your genital tract and lead to irritation. Stay dry out by wearing panty liners. Read More

Occasional headaches

What accounts for these new pregnancy headaches? Blame hormones — they're a convenient scapegoat! — but other triggers include fatigue, hunger and stress. Your doc will probably okay acetaminophen, simply not ibuprofen, or may recommend acupuncture. It's too worthwhile to endeavor other means to soothe your vicious caput: Prevarication downwards in a dark room, put a cold compress on your face or cervix and have fresh-air breaks. Read More

Faintness or dizziness

Your trunk is still getting used to all that claret pumping through it, then it's no wonder you feel dizzy occasionally. Endeavour to change positions slowly and be certain to sit or lie down as soon as you lot feel light-headed and then you don't autumn. If you get-go to see stars, lowering your caput could help you experience less faint. And to subtract future dizzy spells, carry healthy snacks around for a quick blood-sugar boost and stay hydrated. Read More than

Visible veins

That increased blood supply is also responsible for the road map of veins crisscrossing their manner across your belly and breasts. Those veins are doing the of import work of taking nutrients and blood to your baby. So there's cypher y'all tin practise but await. They volition disappear though! Read More

Circular ligament pain

Similar so many pregnancy symptoms, round ligament pain — which is just a fancy name for those growing pains in that burgeoning belly of yours — is probably something you never expected. What's causing them? The ligaments on the right and left side of your lower abdomen are stretching out and getting thinner. As your belly gets heavier, the weight pulls on the ligaments, causing sharp or dull pain — especially when you walk or turn to the side. The best thing to exercise? Get off your feet and get comfy. Read More

Tips for You lot This Week

Take the ride in step

Crying uncontrollably ane minute, laughing hysterically the adjacent? These emotional highs and lows are par for the pregnancy course.

Mood swings are more often than not felt during the starting time trimester, with a second trimester break. But exist forewarned: They oft return for the last few months of pregnancy.

Avoid triggering smells

Thanks to a much more sensitive sense of smell, you may observe one time-appetizing aromas suddenly offensive — and offensive ones downright sickening.

So stay away from whatsoever smells that trigger nausea as much as possible — whether it'due south the sausage and eggs your partner likes to make on the weekends or the cologne or perfume that used to brand you head over heels merely now makes y'all caput for the toilet.

Steer clear, besides, of foods that you can't stand the sight of. Raw chicken, for example, is a mutual culprit.

Ask your doc well-nigh the COVID-xix vaccine

When you're pregnant, you're at an increased risk for complications from COVID-19, then it'southward smart to practice social distancing and article of clothing a confront mask in public, particularly when you're within.

You lot may also desire to exist vaccinated with the COVID-19 shot, which is currently available to all adults, including meaning people.

Experts say that the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna equally well as the viral vector vaccine from Johnson & Johnson are unlikely to pose any impairment to an unborn babe — and annotation that the risks of getting COVID-19 while pregnant are probable to be higher than the potential risks of getting the vaccine.

Ultimately, however, the conclusion is a personal one. Talk to your md if you accept any questions.

Add mangoes to your plate

All fruits are salubrious, but mangoes are particularly bang-up for the meaning ready. They contain more vitamins A and C seize with teeth-for-delicious-bite than a salad.

This tropical favorite, also packed with potassium, is especially versatile — a perfect complement to sweet and savory dishes. Blend it into smoothies or soups, chop it upwards in salsas or relishes, or simply scoop and enjoy.

Photograph your crash-land

Is your significant belly prepare for its close-up? Someday yous'll bask looking at pictures or videos of your baby crash-land — and so will your child.

Once a month, document your irresolute figure and wear an outfit that lets your shape shine. Commencement now, before you really showtime to aggrandize, and take photos regularly until you deliver. Once you're done, create a pregnancy album — you'll be glad yous did.

Know that fatigue is normal

Are your two favorite pastimes sitting and lying downwards? Pregnancy fatigue is normal. That'southward because yous're running a baby-making factory that's in business 24/7, causing your pregnant body to piece of work harder at balance than your non-pregnant torso did on the run.

And for the next few weeks, a baby'southward not the just thing in product — and so is the placenta, the magnificently complex mission control that will serve as your baby's life support system until delivery. The result? You lot experience tired and overworked, even when you're not doing a darn thing.

Your energy should return once the placenta's upwards and running and your organisation adjusts as all-time as it tin to the hormonal changes of pregnancy — probably early in the second trimester.

In the concurrently, continue your blood-sugar levels up with frequent snacks of circuitous carbs and protein, like cheese and crackers or nuts and dried fruit. Or try a footling exercise, which can actually requite you an energy boost. Nearly of all — listen to your body. When it calls for a break, have one.

Swallow a good for you breakfast

If you haven't already, information technology's a fine time to get into the habit of eating breakfast and including 2 breakfast foods that are particularly good for your meaning torso and baby-building: oatmeal and DHA-enriched eggs.

Oats are full of fiber, B vitamins, fe and a host of other good-for-you lot-minerals. Make full your breakfast bowl with them, only don't stop there. Add together oats — and all their nutritional superpowers — to pancakes and muffins (and cakes, cookies and even meatloaf).

If y'all're eating eggs, that'south great. The old egg is even so a good egg, delivering a low-calorie, high-protein punch in a tasty little packet.

Just y'all can boost the nutritional value by scrambling, frying or humid ones enriched with DHA, a type of omega-iii fatty acrid and "good fatty." It'south a primary component of the brain and retina and is essential for encephalon development and eye formation in the fetus.

From the What to Look editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, writer ofWhat to Look When You're Expecting. What to Look follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only apparent sources, such every bit peer-reviewed studies, academic enquiry institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how nosotros keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, Are Pregnancy Mood Swings Normal?, June 2021.
  •, Has Your Sense of Smell Gotten Stronger During Pregnancy?, Feb 2021.
  •, Fatigue During Pregnancy, November 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Fetal Development: The 1st Trimester, June 2020.
  •, Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe During Pregnancy?, May 2021.
  •, Breakfast During Pregnancy, Feb 2020.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, How Your Fetus Grows During Pregnancy, August 2020.
  • American Higher of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Issues of the Digestive System, June 2020.
  • Mayo Dispensary, What Causes Round Ligament Pain in Pregnancy?, April 2020.
  • American Eye Association, Circulation, Cardiovascular Physiology of Pregnancy, September 2014.
  • American University of Pediatrics, AAP News, Mealtime Television Viewing During Pregnancy May Set the Phase for Childhood Obesity, May 2014.
  • Mayo Clinic, Orthostatic Hypotension (Postural Hypotension), October 2020.
  • National Institutes of Health, Part of Dietary Supplements, Vitamin D, March 2021.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Nutrients, DHA Effects in Encephalon Development and Function, January 2016.

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